Polyps, ovarian cysts and myomas

New protocols to address all gynecological malformations as re-occurrence of ovarian cysts, myoma noodles or breast cysts with bio- identical progesterone. The old approach with synthetic hormones do increase cancer risk if prescribed as a long protocol which is most often given for above-mentioned conditions. The bio-identical progesterone is exactly the one  as human body…


Eggs and sperm pass on environmental cues as well as genes

IN addition to matching up eye and hair colour, would-be-parents seeking eggs or sperm for IVF or surrogacy may run obesity, infection and stress checks on donors if current research patterns continue to hold true. University of Adelaide scientists have published a review showing that rather than just being packages of genetic information, eggs and sperm also act…


Is there a relationship between mood disorders and dysmenorrhea?

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between depressive symptoms, anxiety and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls. Adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea have an increased risk of depression and anxiety. These results of this study are significant in emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to primary dysmenorrhea follow–up and…


Natural Remedies for Perimenopause

Perimenopause occurs as the production of reproductive hormones slows in a woman’s body. The 10 to 15 years before actual menopause is usually described as the perimenopause stage. Woman may experience various symptoms such as hot flashes, loss of concentration, sporadic periods, insomnia, decreased hair production on legs and underarms, mood swings, night sweats, heart…


Adolescent endometriosis: diagnosis and treatment approaches

Abstract OBJECTIVES: To review the etiologies, diagnosis, and treatment options of adolescent endometriosis. METHODS: Review of publications relating to adolescent endometriosis. RESULTS: Endometriosis occurs in adolescents as young as 8 years of age; furthermore, there have been documented cases of endometriosis occurring prior to menarche. Adolescents presenting with pelvic pain are treated with cyclic combination…


Adjuvant therapies for breast cancer treatment

Adjuvant breast cancer therapy is a term which encompasses all of the extra treatments which are applied to help prevent the breast cancer from returning. (By contrast, ‘neoadjuvant’ breast cancer therapy is given prior to any other treatments in order to improve the benefits of subsequent treatments). There are basically five types of adjuvant therapy.…



Whether or not so-called “mild” endometriosis affects fertility has remained controversial, but it appears that any stage of endometriosis, even mild, can negatively affect a woman’s fertility for a variety of reasons. When compared with normally ovulating women of a similar age who do not have endometriosis, women with mild to moderate endometriosis are about…


Antiviral and antiretroviral use in pregnancy

The history of antiviral and antiretroviral therapy is recent compared with many other medical therapies, including traditional antibiotics in pregnancy. Given the proliferation of these recent agents, there are few long-term data on which to base decisions of management in pregnancy. Accessing up-to-date information is critical to optimizing the safety of care for mothers and…
